Pumpkin Pie Pots - Treats in Mason Jars

I'm here to help you break your new years resolutions and mine! I mean, resolutions don't really take effect until the second week of January, right?

So here's a little story...

You would think my husband would be excited that his wife likes to cook, right? You may even be crazy enough to think he has a mental list of his favorite things that I make. I mean it seems simple enough, like, I really like my wife's roast chicken, or her smashed potatoes, or damn that chilishe made that one time was insane. Well he doesn't. In fact he probably can't even remember what I made for him two hours ago. TWO freaking hours ago!! It's a gift, he would say, his ability to forget important life details, like every. single. meal. I've ever made for him. Because certainly, these are important things to remember.

pumpkin pie in mason jars

Where am I going with this? Well, obviously the logical jump would be pies in mason jars. Adam can't remember anything = pies in mason jars. OBVIOUSLY. 

graham cracker crust

Ok, so you're not following my logic? Here is how it went down:

Me: "I have to make a dessert for Christmas with your family. What have I made before that you like?"

Adam: "Pumpkin pie."

Me: "I can't do that, that's boring. Isn't there ANYTHING else that I've made before that you like?"

Adam: "Have you made anything other than pumpkin pie? I just really like pumpkin pie."

Me: Sigh. "I'll make pumpkin pie."

pumpkin pie

But not just any ol' pumpkin pie. 

baking in mason jars

Pumpkin pie with a graham cracker crust! AND a sour cream topping! AND served in itsy bitsy cutsey wutsey 8 oz mason jars!

pumpkin pie with sour cream topping

Why would you eat pumpkin pie any other way? The correct answer is that you wouldn't after you try these little babies.

pumpkin pie in mason jars with sour cream topping

If you are feeling weird about the sour cream topping, let me tell you that my husband detests sour cream. But when you doctor it up a bit and serve it baked on top creamy pumpkin pie he eats it right up and asks for seconds. So, just trust me on this one.

Pumpkin Pie Pots with Sour Cream Topping

10 -  8 oz pots


10 - 8 oz wide mouth short mason jars. 

For the crust:

1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (buy pre-made crumbs or pulse crackers in food processor to create crumbs)

6 tablespoons melted butter

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

For the filling:

1 - 15 oz can 100% pumpkin purée

3/4 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger (not fresh ginger)

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

3-4 grates of fresh nutmeg (about 1/8 teaspoon)

2 large eggs

1 - 12 oz can of evaporated milk

Sour cream topping:

1 1/4 cup sour cream

2 tablespoons granulated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

Throughly wash and dry mason jars and lids. Set jars on a cookie sheet. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Make the crust. Mix graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and cinnamon in a bowl. Add butter. Mix with fork until mixture is clumpy and butter is throughly incorporated. Spoon 2 heaping tablespoons of crust mixture into each mason jar. Using fingers firmly press mixture down, molding it to bottom of jar. Repeat with all jars.

Bake crust for 5 min in 350 degree oven. Remove crusts and raise oven temperature to 425 degrees.

Make pumpkin filling. Mix sugar, cinnamon, salt, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg in a small bow. Beat eggs in a large bowl. Stir in pumpkin and sugar mix. Whisk together. Gradually whisk in evaporated milk. 

Pour 1/2 cup filling into each mason jar. Bake in 425 degree oven for about 30 minutes. Watch carefully towards the end. You want them to be just set. The middle should no longer be liquid-y and a toothpick should come out just about clean. But you will be baking them for 5 minutes longer so they don't need to be completely done. Remove from oven. LOWER OVEN TEMPERATURE BACK TO 350 DEGREES.

Make topping. Mix sour cream, sugar, and vanilla in a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons topping to each mason jar pie. Careful! They will be hot. Smooth the topping over the entire pie. Repeat for all 10 jars. Place back in oven at 350 degrees for 5 minutes. Remove from oven. Place jars on cooling rack to cool. Do not put lids on until they are completely cool.

This dessert tastes good hot or cold! Adam and I had a bite (had to make sure it turned out) while it was still warm and loved it, even though we both normally prefer our pumpkin pie to be served cold.

pumpkin pie in mason jars

Love, Luck, and Happiness!