Fruit Pizza

Super Bowl is the last day of my Two Week Challenge. There is a good chance all healthiness will be thrown out the door in favor of snacking on chips, dips, fried goodies, and other things that are not good for me at all - like copious amounts of beer. But oh, how my taste buds will be happy! As punishment I will probably continue my Two Week Challenge for another two weeks, making it a full month of being focused on eating more fruits and vegetables. I'm hoping by the end of another two weeks I will have adapted so fully to eating meals packed with veggies or fruit that it will be second nature to me. I've been feeling pretty good these past two weeks and I want to keep it going, and I want to keep giving you guys recipes that make healthy eating fun and delicious!

On that note, enter my suggestion for a Super Bowl appetizer. While this might not be the absolute healthiest of things... it does bring a refreshing dose of fruit to the table. Something that you don't often see on a Super Bowl spread. So if you are looking for something fun and unique to bring to a Super Bowl party... look no further! Fruit Pizza is here!

Adam's response to fruit pizza was "gross." But you should never listen to Adam when it comes to food. Trust me, this will be a hit once you eat one too many fried whatevers and are searching for a way to inject some nutrition back into your body. Sure, it's nutrition in the form of fruit on top of a delicious sugar cookie spread with an intense amount of cream cheese frosting. 

But there is fruit. And that counts as nutritious in my book.

Fruit Pizza Method

makes roughly 18 slices depending on your cookie sheet and slicing



Martha Stewart's Ideal Sugar Cookie


12 oz regular cream cheese or neufchatel cream cheese, softened at room temperature

3/4 - 1 cup powdered sugar

juice of one lemon

zest of one lemon

various fruits*


- Make sugar cookie according to directions. Roll out and pat chilled dough onto parchment lined baking sheet. You may have extra dough depending on the size of your baking sheet and the thickness of the cookie you would like.

- Bake according to directions, watching carefully to ensure it does not burn.

- Take room temperature cream cheese (1 1/2 8 oz packages) and combine with lemon juice and lemon zest in a bowl. Using a rubber spatula mix in powdered sugar a little at a time, tasting often to determine your desired sweetness (and for fun). I like it on the less sweet side since the sugar cookie is sweet also.

- Once the sugar cookie is cooled, spread the cream cheese mixture over it, leaving a small crust.

- Place desired cut fruits into desired pattern on cookie. Cut and serve.

* I used about 2 peaches, 2 kiwis, a good handful of blueberries, a small carton of blackberries, and a small basket of strawberries.

Peace, love, fruity goodness, and happiness!

Happy Super Bowl Everyone! Go Packers!... oh wait... that was last year.